Kacchīn (カッチーン)

Jan 15, 2018 13:33
Can you imagine the meaning of カッチーン (kacchīn), which is one of the Japanese onomatopoeia?

This word is used to express your feeling of anger against someone's behavior.

"Kacchīn" was made by emphasizing another onomatopoeia; かちん (kachin).

"Kachin" represents the sound that a small and hard thing hit something, but it can also mean one's feeling of anger.

It is thought that the reason is because an impact that something hits to your head or heart is similar to the feeling of anger.

Incidentally, when you want to use "kachin" to mean your feeling of anger, it is usually used as かちんとくる (kachin to kuru), the literal meaning of which is "the sound 'kachin' is coming."






No. 1 Broch (ブラック)'s correction
  • Can you imagine the meaning of カッチーン (kacchīn), which is one of the Japanese onomatopoeia?
  • Can you imagine Do you know the meaning of カッチーン (kacchīn), which is one of the a Japanese onomatopoeia?
     "Can you imagine" is asking us to form a mental picture in our heads, but we can't do that because we don't know what カッチーン is yet. In this case, we would first ask if they know the meaning of カッチーン, then go into an explanation.
  • This word is used to express your feeling of anger against someone's behavior.
  • This word is used to express your a feeling of anger against toward someone's behavior.
     This sounds more natural.
  • "Kacchīn" was made by emphasizing another onomatopoeia; かちん (kachin).
  • "Kacchīn" was made by emphasizing another onomatopoeia;: かちん (kachin).
     Use a colon here, not a semi-colon.
  • "Kachin" represents the sound that a small and hard thing hit something, but it can also mean one's feeling of anger.
  • "Kachin" represents the sound that of a small and hard thing hitting something, but it can also mean one's feeling of anger.
  • It is thought that the reason is because an impact that something hits to your head or heart is similar to the feeling of anger.
  • This is because the feeling of anger is thought to be similar to the impact of something hits to striking your head or heart is similar to .
     Rearranged some things and changed "hits" to "striking."
  • Incidentally, when you want to use "kachin" to mean your feeling of anger, it is usually used as かちんとくる (kachin to kuru), the literal meaning of which is "the sound 'kachin' is coming."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Excellent work! The meaning was very clear, and I learned a knew phrase: かちんとくる!

Thank you so much for the correction and explanations!
嬉しい言葉をありがとうございます (^^)